Recycled Material ACCEPTED:
- Cardboard/Boxboard (wet cardboard/boxboard not accepted)
- All Plastics with the recyclable emblem on it
- Aluminum (cans, etc)
- Tin Cans
- Newspaper
- White Paper
- Motor Oil
- Used Antifreeze
- Cooking Oil
- Electronics (TV's, Telephones, Radios, etc.)
Recycled Material NOT ACCEPTED:
- Appliances
- Glass
- Construction Materials
- Toilets
- Tires
- Sheet Glass
- Paint
- Chemicals of Any Types
- Batteries of Any Type
- Furniture
- Household Garbage
- Yard Waste
- Fertilizers, Yard Chemicals
- Wire/Metals other than Tin/Aluminum
NOTE: All other items not considered acceptable at the Recycling Center will be considered Illegal Dumping and individuals doing so will be prosecuted at the fullest extent of the Law.
Special/Bulky Items
Items such as appliances, furniture, scrap metal, tires, and lumber (with nails removed) which are not accepted at the Lockhart Recycling Center can be disposed of, for a fee, at 705 Wichita, weekdays between the hours of 8am & 5pm. You can also schedule a Curb Side Pickup for these special items by contacting (800) 664-2833. There is a fee for Curb Side Pickup of special items.
Brush can be chipped into mulch, for a fee dependent on the time involved. Once chipping is complete, the mulch is stored for use. The mulch is available, at no charge, to the public upon written request.
For more information, please contact Public Works at (512) 398-6452 or by email