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Development Services
Tree Protection

How are trees regulated? 
A permit is required to remove any tree. Removal of certain large shade trees that are healthy is prohibited, although limbs may be trimmed if they grow too close to buildings or utility lines. An application to remove a protected tree may be approved only if it constitutes a hazard to life or property, or is documented as dead, dying, or diseased. A replacement tree may be required as a condition of approval of the permit. 

How to apply for Tree Removal Permit
Tree Removal Permit

Protected Trees 
When 72 inches or greater in circumference, measured 4.5 feet above natural grade level.
 Species  Common Name
 Carya illinoensis  Pecan
 Carya spp.  Hickories
 Cornus florida  Flowering Dogwood
 Diospyros texana  Texas Persimmon
 Fagus grandifolia  American Beech
 Ilex opaca  American Holly
 Ilex vomitoria  Yaupon Holly
 Juglans nigra  Black Walnut
 Liquidambar stryraciflua  Sweet Gum
 Magnolia grandiflora  Southern Magnolia
 Magnolia virginiana  Sweetbay
 Nyssa sylvatica  Tupelo
 Picea pungens  Colorado Blue Spruce
 Pinus Edulis  Pinon Pine
 Pinus ponderosa  Ponderosa Pine
 Pinus taeda  Loblolly Pine
 Pithecellobium flexicaule  Texas Ebony
 Quercus alba  White Oak
 Quercus falcata  Southern Red Oak
 Quercus macrocarpa  Bur Oak
 Quercus muhlenbergii  Chinkapin Oak
 Quercus nigra  Water Oak
 Quercus shumardii  Shumard Oak
 Quercus texana  Spanish Oak
 Quercus virginiana  Live Oak
 Sophora secundifloraSophora  Mescal Bean
 Taxodium distichum  Bald Cypress
 Ulmus crassifolia  Cedar Elm

If you still have questions after reading this information, contact Development Services by phone at 512/398-3461, e-mail, or in person. 

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